Filtering WP Inventory Reserve Message

You can set custom success messages in your code for when a user makes a reservation.  There are  a couple:

 Just the core only (no reserve cart):

This will allow you to change the message that is displayed in the page.

add_filter( 'wpim_reserve_email_message', 'my_reserved_message_function');
function my_reserved_message_function( $message ) { 
$message = 'My new "Items Reserved" custom message.';
return $message; 

With Reserve Cart Add On

This will allow you to change the message displayed in the page.

add_filter('wpim_reserve_reserved_message', 'my_reserved_message_function');

function my_reserved_message_function( $message ) {
$message = 'My new "Items Reserved" custom message.';

return $message;

For the Widget

This will change the success message in the widget if you are using the widget in a sidebar on the page

add_filter('wpim_reserve_checkout_message', 'my_checkout_message_function');

function my_checkout_message_function( $message ) {
$message = 'Custom success message for the widget.';

return $message;